Owner Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I choose to disallow pets, smokers, large families, etc.?
- Do you provide me with a report of activity on my property?
Can I choose to disallow pets, smokers, large families, etc.?
We comply fully with the Fair Housing Act. This means that you can not choose to disallow anyone that is a member of a protected class under the act. You can choose to disallow pets and not permit smoking in your home, but you cannot deny a service animal. If you have additional questions on the specifics of the Fair Housing Act, please see our fair housing page.

Do you provide me with a report of activity on my property?
Yes, we will provide you a monthly report of rent and other income received, and maintenance, repairs, and other expenses incurred. This will be provided once per month. If you have questions regarding your statement, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For more information about Jacksonville Property Management, please visit our educational blog.